Conspiracies and Culture Wars: A media literacy inquiry project by Wes Fryer
Teaching the Conspiracies by Wes Fryer

Modules of Study / Teaching Modules

"Conspiracies and Culture Wars" as an inquiry project includes multiple facets. These include COURSE MODULES (teaching modules or units) which have been taught or are under development. These modules will (eventually) likely become chapters in the BOOK version of this project. 

Froot Loop Conspiracy Theories

Since the fall semester of 2019, I (Wes Fryer) have been teaching a multi-week media literacy unit to middle school students focusing on the SIFT web literacy framework and the "Froot Loop" (crazy) conspiracy theory that the NASA Apollo moon landings were faked.

Current and past interations of this unit and lesson series are available on my lesson sharing website:

Course Description

In this 6 week online course, participants will learn how the SIFT web literacy framework (Stop, Investigate the source, Find trusted coverage, Trace to the original”) paired with lateral reading, offers excellent strategies for interrogating online information to decide what is valid and trustworthy. Ongoing culture wars, rife with conspiracy theories and social media fueled “rabbit holes,” make our fractured information landscape challenging to navigate. We will use a lesson series focusing on the NASA Apollo moon landings, contemporary YouTube “hoaxers,” as well as “flat earthers” to develop better media literacy skills! We will also create a variety of media products together, including sketchnotes, interactive whiteboards, and narrated slideshows to demonstrate our learning. By the end of the course, participants will have the knowledge and skills to teach and facilitate media literacy lessons utilizing SIFT and lateral reading, helping develop resilient skills for informed citizenship.

Course Description

The 2-week course "Teaching the Conspiracies: Part II - Historical & Contemporary" offers educators and adults an essential toolkit for navigating and understanding the complex landscape of conspiracy theories. Participants will explore historical and contemporary conspiracies, learning to apply the SIFT (Stop, Investigate, Find, Trace) web literacy framework and lateral reading techniques to evaluate online information critically. The course emphasizes creating and sharing media products like sketchnotes and InfoPics, engaging in reflective discussions, and fostering informed citizenship. Through interactive learning and practical assignments, participants will develop enhanced critical thinking and media literacy skills, gaining insights into the cultural impact of conspiracy theories and their role in civic responsibility. This course not only enriches professional portfolios with a completion certificate but also prepares participants to teach and facilitate media literacy lessons effectively. (Source: Media Education Lab)

Ideas for Future Modules include:

Framework for Understanding Conspiracy Theories (Draft v 1.0 - Aug 2024)