Conspiracies and Culture Wars: A media literacy inquiry project by Wes Fryer

#ConCW Presentations by Wes Fryer

This video is a 2 minute overview (by Wes Fryer) of how state and non-state actors are utilizing propaganda in our digital environment.

The script for this video was drafted using ChatGPT, and is based on based on Anne Applebaum's June 2024 article in The Atlantic, "The New Propaganda War."

(2 min)

How to Teach About Conspiracy Theories without Getting Fired" (March 2024)

The recorded webinar presentation and slides are available for my March 6, 2023, webinar "How to Teach About Conspiracy Theories without Getting Fired" for Teachers for an Informed Public.

How to Teach About Conspiracy Theories Without Being Fired by @wfryer (March 2023)

This video is a recording of Dr. Wesley Fryer's opening keynote at the Mountain Moot Conference on July 16, 2020. Presentation slides are also available.

The keynote description was:  Media literacy, web literacy, and the ability to employ critical thinking strategies as we consume, filter, and share information today are vital. Join Brian Turnbaugh (@wegotwits) and Wes Fryer (@wfryer) in an exploration of classroom strategies, resources, and lesson ideas related to conspiracy theories and culture wars online, in social media and mainstream media. 

Conspiracies and Culture Wars: Media Literacy Needed! by @wfryer (16 July 2020) #MTMOOT